Phishing is when you receive emails, calls, or texts that seem to be from companies or individuals you are familiar with. These scammers are trying to get personal information from you. Scammers use emails and text messages to ask you to follow a link or share your password. Their goal is to steal your identity or your money, and maybe get remote access to your computer.
How can you spot a phishing email? The Federal Trade Commission provides the following tips for identifying a scam email. Phishing emails often:
- claim the company noticed some suspicious activity;
- claim there’s a problem with your account or payment information;
- claim you must confirm personal information (for example, credit card number or Social Security number);
- attach a fake invoice;
- ask you follow a link to make a payment;
- claim that you’re eligible to register for a government refund or grant; or,
- offer coupons for free stuff.
What to do:
If you suspect that you have received a phishing email or text message, report it! You can take the following steps:
- Call the Consumer Assistance Program: 1-800-649-2424
- Forward the message to the FTC: SPAM@UCE.GOV
- Forward the text message to: SPAM (7726)
- Report it to the FTC:
- Delete the message and do not respond
Need More Resources?
Make sure to visit the other sections dealing with protecting against scams: